I can’t take it anymore
“Talking about suicidal thoughts can be the first step on the road out of crisis.“
Talking can save lives
There are difficult times in life when everything may seem hopeless and overwhelming. Then it’s important to know support services, get tips and info.
Are you affected yourself?
Do you feel like you don’t want to live anymore? You oscillate between “I can’t do it anymore” and “I don’t want to do it anymore.” The thought of committing suicide no longer scares you or you have already tried to take your own life?

You don’t have to go
through this alone:
Talk about it!
Find support!
The thought “I don’t want to live anymore” can be very frightening and upsetting. It’s important to know that you are not alone. In this crisis. With these thoughts. With your fear.
We have created the Suicidal Thoughts page for you. There you will find suggestions on how to have a conversation about your thoughts and feelings and an emergency plan that can help you in acute crises.
What you won’t find on this site: moral condemnations, empty phrases and motivational slogans suitable for Instagram. We take you seriously and pick you up exactly where you are right now, completely non-judgmental.
Do you worry about someone?
Do you know someone who may have expressed suicidal thoughts? Don’t know how to help? We know how hard it can be to talk about suicidal thoughts. Or to take the first step toward getting help. For everyone involved. Because suicidal thoughts and suicide rarely affect only those affected.
Support for relatives and surviving dependents
A suicide leaves a deep mark on the people who are left behind. Whether it is family members, friends and colleagues, or even strangers who have witnessed a suicide. The feeling of grief, pain and helplessness can be overwhelming.
For the surrounding community, it is as important as it is difficult to process what they have experienced. Unfortunately, not every suicide can be prevented. For various reasons. If a person decides to commit suicide, it also affects those around them.
The bereaved often wonder what they could have done. Many feel grief and some blame themselves. There are also many options for support for those left behind after a suicide.
Suicides are exceptional psychological situations: also for witnesses and emergency personnel.
Bystanders who have witnessed a suicide, as well as rescue and emergency personnel, often have problems coming to terms with what they have experienced.
Social support or professional help offers are also a possibility for them to exchange ideas and find ways to deal with what they have experienced.
Ways out of the suicidal crisis: Help offers in Berlin
Are you looking for concrete offers of help, such as self-help groups, opportunities to talk, or associations that take care of those affected or bereaved? There are countless offers of help in Berlin. Even in your neighbourhood, online or on the phone. It’s okay to seek help that will accompany you through this dark time.
We show you where you can get professional and free support. Both if you are suffering from suicidal thoughts yourself and are struggling with the idea of taking your own life, and if you have lost someone close to you to suicide. The people at these support services are trained in dealing with suicidal crises. They will listen to you and support you in getting through the crisis.

I want to die –
taking suicidal thoughts seriously and finding ways together
“I can’t go on” or “I don’t want to live anymore” are thoughts and expressions of immense despair. They can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender or background.
They can be triggered by various factors such as depression, anxiety, stress or traumatic experiences.
Break taboos –
talk about it!
It is important to take these thoughts seriously and talk about them. As a directly affected person and also as a family member. Because this can help to prevent a suicide.
There are numerous low-threshold discussion offers that can help you with suicidal thoughts in an acute phase. We would like to show you the possibilities and give you information about how the first steps out of the darkness could look like for you.