Learn more about suicidal ideation

“Knowing more about suicidality makes it easier to talk about it.”

Knowledge is important

It is often difficult to empathise with the thoughts and feelings of suicidal people. The background, thoughts and problems often remain in the dark. We will not be able to put ourselves 100 per cent into the other person’s shoes, and that is not necessary to support someone in a crisis.

What can help us, however, is explicit knowledge about acute suicidality and suicidal crises. What does the term “suicidal” mean anyway? Is there a fixed definition of suicide? Are there certain risk factors for suicide? If so, how can I recognise them? And from a purely statistical point of view: Why do people commit suicide – and who is particularly affected?

The list of questions is long. To make this socially relevant issue more accessible, we have gathered knowledge. This information can help you learn more about the topic. And even educate other people about it.

This knowledge can also help you in personal conversations with people affected. Maybe you can understand the person you are talking to better. Or you may find it easier to talk openly about possible suicidal behaviour.

Knowledge and communication are the basis for any change.
Inform yourself and others about suicidal behaviour
so that you can provide appropriate support to people affected by suicide.

Facts and figures

In order to be able to talk about suicidal behaviour in concrete terms and to provide specific information, you should always refer to scientifically proven data and facts. This is especially important because this knowledge can make a decisive contribution to suicide prevention.

Are there more suicides in Berlin than in other federal states? How many suicides are committed at all? And by which groups of people? How do I report on suicides in a helpful and harmless way? And where can I get more information?

We have answered all these questions – and many more – to provide you with a solid basis of knowledge. You can use it in papers, lectures or presentations, for example. Or simply use it to talk openly with someone about the topic.